January 01, 2009
When opposition parties join forces and vote against a government they are exercising their democratic rights under our Parliamentary traditions. That is understood by all.However, the recent plan by the Liberals and NDP to form a government, dependent on the support of separatists, is something that cannot be understood as anything other than a blatant desire for power with a disregard for the good of the country. How can such a coalition be considered good for Canada if it depends on the support of those whose political goal is to break up the country?
That supposedly federalist politicians would consider such an option just weeks after an election and days after supporting the government on the Throne Speech is troubling, to say the least. They should be ashamed of themselves, especially since they stated clearly during the election campaign that a coalition between parties was not an option.
I first entered public life after the 1995 Quebec Referendum to champion the cause of Canadian unity, working on unity projects in both Alberta and Quebec. When I first ran for Parliament, in 1997, it was on a Canadian unity platform – and I have continued to work for unity in the years since.
When parents are raising their children they frequently remind them of the importance of making wise choices in their friendships, telling them they will be known by the company they keep. This is something that Liberals and New Democrats might want to consider as they ponder their political future. History will judge them by their associates, and do they really want it said they were in bed with the separatists?
I think the government of Canada should never be turned over to those who want to break the country apart. What do you think?